Virescit Vulnere Virtus (Misneachd Flùraichean aig Leòn)
Is e Taigh Burnett Comann Burnett air feadh an t-saoghail
Bratach Burnett
Seo Tasglann Bratach Burnett far am faigh thu a h-uile cùis roimhe seo de phà ipear-naidheachd HOB.
Current Edition:
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Members are encouraged to contribute content to the Editorial Committee for potential inclusion in a Banner publication. Non-members can also submit articles, subject to approval from the Managing Editor and subsequent consent from the Editorial Committee. To learn more about submission guidelines, please refer to the Burnett Banner Publication Overview .pdf available at the bottom of this page. It provides comprehensive details for submitting articles to the Burnett Banner Quarterly magazine.
Past Editions:

Burnett Banner Submissions
The Burnett Banner is the flagship magazine publication of the House of Burnett and is a primary vehicle for our educational, historical, and cultural heritage missions. The Banner includes member-submitted articles, House of Burnett organization information, Letter(s) from the Chief, upcoming event notifications, and other content as deemed appropriate by the President, the Managing Editor, the Chief of the Name and Arms (also listed as the Editor-in-Chief), the Editorial Committee, and the Board of Directors.
Annual Publication Schedule
Spring Issue, March 15th
Summer Issue, June 15th
Fall Issue, September 15th
Winter Issue, December 15th
2024 Editorial Committee:
The Editor-in-Chief is not appointed and can make recommendations to content, staffing, process, and timeline as appropriate. The Managing Editor is appointed by the President as authorized by the By-Laws of the Organization. Board Members are encouraged to join the Committee and do not need to be officially appointed to sit on the Committee or support the Committee as appropriate. Other Members are invited by the Managing Editor to join the Committee as Committee Members.
Terry Burnett, Managing Editor
Michelle Baker Lee, Copy Editor
Chris Burnette, Copy Editor
E.C. Burnette, Design & Layout Editor
Open Call for
Burnett Banner Submissions
Are you ready to submit your article?
Do not rush to submit your
article for publication!
Please read the Burnett Banner Overview PDF document to begin your publishing journey. HOB Content Submission Guidelines are located on pages 4-5 of the pdf. Download the pdf below. Thank you!
After a complete examination of the Overview Document and careful organization of your document and image files, you are ready to submit your article. Kindly click the 'Submit' button below to email our editors. Alternatively, you can email our editors at with your submission. We appreciate your efforts and thank you for your contribution!