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Sgioba Burnett

Do cho-oghaichean a tha a ’ruith an taisbeanaidh

Meet the Team: Meet the Team
Meet the Team: Text

Chief of the Name & Arms

As Recognized by the Lord of Lyons, Government of Scotland, UK

James Comyn Amherst Burnett of Leys

Board of Directors

These are the Directors elected by the Membership to guide and manage the organization.  Members of the Board of Directors are elected for staggered terms of three years, with each election filling three or more seats on the Board. At the end of their three-year term, Directors must rotate off the Board and will not be eligible to run again for an entire year.


Barry Burnett

California, USA

Term Expires: 12/31/2024


Callie Snead

North Carolina, USA

Term Expires: 12/31/2024


Chris Burnette

Colorado, USA

Term Expires: 12/31/2024


Kent Burnett

South Carolina, USA

Term Expires: 12/31/2025


Michael Watkins

South Carolina, USA

Term Expires: 12/31/2025


Robert Burnett

Queensland, Australia

Term Expires: 12/31/2025


Colin Burnett-Dick

Hartfield, England, UK

Term Expires: 12/31/2026


Col. Thomas Burnett, MD

Virginia, USA

Term Expires: 12/31/2026


Denise Spitsen

California, USA

Term Expires: 12/31/2026


Peter Burnat

London, England, UK

Term Expires: 12/31/2026


Valerie D'Aguanno, Ed.D

New York, USA

Term Expires: 12/31/2026



Executive Officers

These are the Major Officers elected by the Board to implement its direction. They serve 1-year terms.



Chris Burnette



Michael Watkins



Callie Snead




The Lieutenants are appointed by the Chief of the Name to serve as liaisons between the House of Burnett and the Chief of the Name and act as their personal representatives and agents at games throughout the world. They are also voting members of the Board of Directors.


Terry Burnett

USA/Canada East


Chris Burnette

USA/Canada West



Lieutenant Emeriti

The Lieutenant Emeriti are appointed by the Chief of the Name as recognition of their service to the Family and the House of Burnett. They must have previously served as Lieutenants and have provided years of service to the Family. They advise the Chief and Board, as well as represent the Chief. They are non-voting advisors to the Board of Directors.


James "Jim" Burnette


Jacky Daugherty




Other Officers

These are the Officers who manage the programs of the House of Burnett on behalf of the President.

They are appointed by the President and serve as their delegated Officers. 



(Does not need to be appointed!) 

James C. A. Burnett of Leys


Vice-President of Membership

Chris Burnette


Vice-President of Education

Valerie D’Aguanno, Ed.D.


Vice-President of Games & Events

Kent Burnett


Media Director

Elise Coulter Burnette


House Genealogist

United States and Canada

Terry Barwin


House Genealogist 

United Kingdom

Lawrence Pearse


Burnett Banner Managing Editor

Terry Burnett


House Herald

Terry Burnett


House Historian







All Directors, Officers, and Conveners are unpaid volunteers.  See a vacant position you could fill? Let us know.  We are always open to new volunteers!  Contact for ways you can help.

Taigh Burnett PO Box 666 Topock, Arizona 86436 USA

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Chaidh an làrach seo a chruthachadh gu pròiseil le bhith a ’cleachdadh

(803) 960-5526

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