Virescit Vulnere Virtus (Misneachd Flùraichean aig Leòn)
Is e Taigh Burnett Comann Burnett air feadh an t-saoghail
Tartans & Myths Presentation
DiS, 02 Màrt
A presentation on tartans and myths by Gordon Casely of the Heraldry Society of Scotland and Brian Wilton MBE, Scotland's "Tartan Ambassador." This presentation will be recorded. Attendance of the presentation releases the House of Burnett of any liability and notice requirements.
Time & Location
02mh Màrt 2024, 14:00 – 15:00 EST
About the Event
As members of the House of Burnett, did you ever wonder how our Tartans were developed? Well, wonder no more. We have the pleasure of having Brian Wilton MBE, Scotland’s ‘Tartan Ambassador’ and Gordon Casely, journalist, heraldist and piper, from the Heraldry Society of Scotland to regale us with the history, present-day use, and context of all things tartan. Brian is highly regarded as an author and world-leading tartan designer and will talk us through some of his major commissions for the international market. Gordon will tell us about myths, legends, and “well-known facts” surrounding the fabric.
This Presentation will be recorded and hosted online as part of the House of Burnett video archive.